Brian Gerrish, John Hurst and Sandi Wicks will be the keynote speakers for this the first of the Glastonbury Town Hall Freedom Talks this year.
Much new and original research material hot off the press.
The Talk will take place on 8th July between 6pm and 10 pm. in the town hall, Market street, Glastonbury.
Sandi will unfold the nefarious and murderous AGENDA 21 with new, updated material.
John will speak on the results of his latest research and give new and original material on the COUNCIL TAX scam and section 151 officers
and the newly revealed PERSECUTION TACTICS of the child snatchers in SOCIAL SERVICES.
Brian will continue to unfold the COMMON PURPOSE agenda and more with new, original material.
All talks are free to enter.
Kind regards as always, musashi.